I’m looking for women who want to eliminate financial anxiety and become confident in managing their money, so that they can start feeling secure in 2 months.

Course begins: February 4th

RESILIENCE is currently in its “POP” stage meaning, this is a LIVE course (no recordings) with the ability to give immediate feedback on your experience.

We will be tackling topics that revolve around…

Along with these topics, we will also be addressing some common questions I hear a lot of:

Ladies! The goals are to go from…

Fearful to CONFIDENT, so you can enjoy today while securing your future!
Struggling to FINANCIALLY STABLE, so you can help your family to thrive!
Scraping by to FREE AND FOCUSED, so you can do your happy dance!
Scarcity to ABUNDANCE, so you can help others!

Being resilient means that it doesn’t take perfection to achieve your financial goals. It means that, despite any fears or worries, you have what it takes to enjoy your life and be financially secure no matter what life throws at you!


If you’re tired of your financial status quo and you’re ready to commit to rewriting your financial journey, but you have questions, then reach out! I’d love to chat with you.






If you would like to be kept in the loop of when RESILIENCE will open back up, please email me with the subject “Resilience” and I will reach out to you with details.