Prioritize Your Financial Goals To Launch A Better Money Plan
There’s a huge tug-o-war right now between living your “rich life” (prioritizing the things that make you happy)…
Find Balance! Stabilize Your Dreams With A Money Plan
I get it! I really do. A lot of people who are entering their working years are starting…
How To Choose The Best Financial Tech For You!
There is not a day that goes by that we are not inundated with “NEW FINANCIAL TECH”! It’s…
Keep Your Budget Simple and Watch Your Joy Increase!
Budgets, or money plans, are an incredible tool to help keep your financial health in check. Whether you’re…
Relieve Financial Anxiety With A Few Easy Steps!
Financial anxiety is NO JOKE! One minute you’re floating along doing great and the next, you’re little innertube…
How To Fight The Emotional Side Of Your Money Plan
Technically speaking, money plans (aka budgets) are a bunch of numbers on a spreadsheet that tell you where…
Unexpected Expenses? Here’s What You Need To Do!
There are times when life just gets in the way! It delivers you a pile of unexpected expenses…
Recognize the “Opportunity”
It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, how you were raised, or where you live –…
You knew it would happen one day…
Life is a funny thing. You get all your ducks in a row. I’m sorry, all your cats…

Kara Smith
Owner | Coach | Writer
PennyFruit Financial Coaching