Technically speaking, money plans (aka budgets) are a bunch of numbers on a spreadsheet that tell you where your money is, if your plan is working, where the surplus is, where the deficit is, etc. Spreadsheets don’t have emotions. It can’t laugh at you or scold you, it just tells you how it is. However, I haven’t met a person yet who hasn’t at one time or another cried over their money plan. Thoughts pop into your head of
- You’re not good enough!
- You’ll never be better than this!
- Look at all that red!
- This debt will own you forever!
- How are you going to support your family?
- This is all your worth as a person!
That voice plays an ugly game and no matter what you do, that voice will always look down on you. People could have millions in the bank and that voice will still creep in and say, “you are nothing.”
I’m here to tell you, “That voice doesn’t own you or define you.”
Yes, that voice is loud. It will definitely sound confident. And it will sound like an all-knowing power that has embodied your spreadsheet for the simple purpose of torturing you. Yes, that voice exists, BUT…
“Your economic security does not lie in your job; it lies in your own power to produce—to think, to learn, to create, to adapt. That’s true financial independence. It’s not having wealth, it’s having the power to produce wealth.” – Stephen R. Covey
You have the power to produce your future. No one else can control it. Yes, bad and good things happen, but you can choose to be reactive or proactive to it.
“Proactive people can carry their own weather with them. Whether it rains or shines makes no difference to them. They are value driven; and if their value is to produce good quality work, it isn’t a function of whether the weather is conducive to it or not.”
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
So what do you do when that voice starts to yell at you?
- Know that your life is a gift and it was given to you by God.
- Know that you are alive today for a reason, even if you don’t know it yet.
- Say to that voice, “I refuse to listen to your lies!”
- Yell at that voice, “You have no place here anymore!”
- Tell yourself, “You have always had the power to do this and today, you will do this!”
As a financial coach, it is known that a money plan has a lot to do with behavior and emotions. We all understand that money is just money and spreadsheets are just spreadsheets, but there is a point when our clients have to believe what they are capable of. Mistakes happen, bad things happen, chances are just that, but YOU…you have what it takes. And if you need help to conquer it, reach out! We are nothing if we don’t share the wealth of knowledge with each other.
I know you’ve got this! So carry your own weather! You love fall and all that orange, carry fall with you EVERYWHERE! Pumpkin Spice all day long!!!! You love spring, carry those young bird songs with you EVERYWHERE! You love [insert month, day, time], carry it with you. Let it remind you that everyday is an opportunity to rise up with confidence and be YOU.

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