Money Won’t Make You Happy, But Your Attitude Will!

I claim front-and-center on my website that “Money is a Mindset and You Can Win!” I fully believe that to my core. Money is just a tool that we use to live our lives. Just like how we use a car or public transportation to get from point A to B. Money is simply a means to acquire things. Our budgets tend to go all haywire when we disregard our money and purchase things simply because we want to. Why do we value those specific things? Why do we get anxious when there’s not enough money to purchase those things? It all comes down to our mindset, our attitude, and what we believe about money.

Question: What was your first memory of money?

Don’t think about the time you first saw a dollar bill or grandma giving you a Christmas card with $5.00 in it. Think about a time where money was the focus and you were affected by it. [Que Jeopardy theme song…]

For me, it was when I was in grade school. One afternoon my parents were getting an estimate on new windows for the house. When my little ears heard the total amount, I was shocked! I had never heard such a large number before in terms of something we were buying. In my little heart, I approached my dad and said, “Dad, we can’t afford that.” He was shocked! He looked me square in the face and told me it wasn’t my concern and to leave the room. Did I overstep? Was he just dumbfounded or maybe embarrassed that the salesman heard? I don’t know. All I know is, I was worried about money and then I was dismissed. That stuck with me.

When attitudes start affecting relationships.

You wouldn’t think that was a huge life-changing story, but to this day, if I bring a financial question up to my husband and he says, “It’s fine, don’t worry.” The fire in my belly erupts! I don’t like to be told “it’s fine” when it comes to financial conversations. I know this about myself and I know the signs so I can tell myself to CHILL OUT before my dear husband becomes a victim of something he had nothing to do with.

The memories and experiences we have with money carve out a road that either lead us to a positive place or a negative one. When it comes to creating a money plan, these attitudes tend to reveal themselves and there is no hiding from them. It can be hard to face some of the habits your attitude has created, but here’s the GREAT news…you can change it.

Attitudes can change!! Contrary to popular belief.

When you DECIDE (key action point, there) to get a healthier attitude towards life, money, and yourself, things will start to change for the better. I’m not talking about the, “Well, if I don’t expect much then I won’t be disappointed much.” That’s a stinky way to live! That’s waking up every day going, “oh well” and getting on your self-proclaimed hamster wheel and hoping the day doesn’t have too many disappointments.

Your day, your finances, your life is what YOUR attitude makes of it.

I guarantee that a change in attitude will help you be happier at work, it will help manage your finances better, it will help your relationships, it will help your outlook on life, etc. etc. Every day life is going to throw curveballs your way (I know from personal experiences – note the plural!), but how you decide to catch those curveballs is the key. Don’t duck. Don’t hide. Adapt and catch.

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