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No More Mental Hang-ups For Managing Your Money!

Can you honestly imagine trying to run a MARATHON every day for an entire year?! No? Me neither. The amount of physical and mental strength needed is insane. I can definitely tell you that marathons didn’t make my New Year’s Resolution list for 2025.

However, for Belgian runner, Hilde Dosogne (age 55), her New Year’s resolution in 2024 was to complete a marathon for every day of the year and she DID!! She completed 366 marathons in 2024 (an extra because…you know…leap year!)

Dosogne was no stranger to the sport as she is considered an “ultra runner”, have completed the 153-mile long Spartathlon in Greece in 2022…AND 2023. Safe to say, her body was prepared and conditioned for the challenge.

The mental struggle was REAL!

Throughout the entire experience, she had so many physical obstacles that most of us would’ve called it quits on day one. She dealt with:

  • Exhaustion
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Raising funds to race
  • Needing to keep up with her part-time job
  • Taking care of her family of 5

All of the above were definitely NOT easy, but the toughest thing she had to contend with was her mental strength and health.

“I must say, I really — I underestimated it,” she said in an interview on Saturday with “All Things Considered” host Scott Detrow. “The toughest part was actually the mental part of being at the start line every day again,” she said.

Being at the start line every day!

Dosogne gave herself a goal, and a goal she would have to face every day for 366 days straight.

Think of your money goals and why your efforts might have failed in the past. Ask yourself:

  • What was my reasoning for starting those money goals?
  • How did I feel when I made them?
  • What was my reasoning for stopping my efforts?
  • How did I feel when I stopped them?
  • How do I feel about my financial situation now?

Find your mental motivation!

For Dosogne, stopping wasn’t an option; and that meant that she was going to have to dig deep and go against what her mind could have been telling her. For many of us, those voices might have been telling us to “stop…it’s too hard…just stop…you could be doing other things…just stop.” And when you mix physical exhaustion with a convincing voice, motivation goes right out the door.

When it come to changing our financial habits, it can definitely feel like running a marathon. It can be hard and painful to face past decisions or experiences that were negative. It can also be frustrating, exhausting, and can leave you feeling hopeless. No wonder we have a hard time changing our habits!

Financial Challenge for 2025!

For 2025, I want you to show up to the start line every day for your financial goals. Give yourself one small thing to accomplish every day to get to your goal. It could be reading a book about budgeting or investing, automating your bill payments, setting up a savings account, opening an IRA, etc. It just takes one small step each day to accomplish something BIG!

Whatever you’re feeling about your financial journey, just remind yourself that for each day you only have to accomplish ONE thing. And when you accomplish it, write it down. Post it on the fridge. Keep a journal. Tell me about it on my Facebook page; I’d love to hear about it! And then celebrate what you’ve done. Celebrating all the little wins is the gas that keeps you mentally motivated!

Dosogne didn’t complete her goal in a day, a week, or a month, but she DID complete it in a year.

I believe in you and what you’ll accomplish in 2025! – Cheers!

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