Why Being Consistent Is A Must For Growing Wealth!

Everyone LOVES the promise of “Do [this] and you will get rich!” or “In these 5 easy steps, that you only have to do once for maybe like 10 minutes every other third Thursday, you will grow your wealth!” It gets our blood flowing. It gets our brains thinking, “YES! I don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, or learning this, in order to be the happiest I’ve ever been.” You eat it up like the zero-calorie cinnamon roll we have always dreamed of. You get a feeling of hope and empowerment…at least for now.

When action is needed, we want it kept to a minimum.

As soon as we do all the steps this cinnamon roll has told us to do, what happens? A lot of the time we realize that the steps we took are not enough. When we realize we have to keep going, that is when we start to jump ship. It’s the same thought process behind New Year’s resolutions. We honestly and sincerely want all these good things for ourselves, but we don’t want the process to last long. Why? We’re tired. We’re stressed. There are a million other things that are competing for our attention and one more would break us. And when it comes to our finances, there’s the added anxiety of “but if I don’t make this change, [this] will happen.”

When you can’t see your wealth progress, staying consistent is harder than convincing a cat that there IS still food in the bowl.

There’s a reason I’m always saying “SMALL STEPS = BIG RESULTS.” Most people tend to look at the end result of where they want to be financially and they see all the work to get there as completely overwhelming. So overwhelming that it can paralyze their dreams and goals. I’ve been there so many times! I’ve had my share of days where it was me and the cat BOTH complaining there was no food in the bowl (of life). When we can’t move forward, when we are not in sync with our goals, we become self-defeating.

Staying Consistent and Persistent in the small steps is KEY!

Small steps NEVER yield small results because of the snowball effect. When you are consistent AND persistent in doing the small steps, they will snowball into bigger and bigger achievements! You are, in fact, rewiring how you think about your finances and your habits.

“When one applies intermittent effort to a goal, the brain does not receive enough stimuli to form powerful habits…With consistent effort, your brain gains the right neural connections due to prolonged application…[moreover] focusing attention towards your goals allows the brain to lock on to the target.” – Tony Fahkry, Author

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You are completely capable of achieving your financial goals. If you want wealth, if you want that “rich life”, then you need to be consistent – showing up every day for yourself and your goals. You also need to be persistent – in the face of speed bumps and disappointments, you will not be defeated because you will stand up again, learn, and keep moving forward. You will become stronger, and you will create money habits that can be passed down to your kids to ensure that the wealth you are building will be generational. Your dream life is yours for the taking. You just need to show up every day and claim it!

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