You knew it would happen one day…

Life is a funny thing. You get all your ducks in a row. I’m sorry, all your cats in a row! Ducks are for simpler times and we do NOT live in simpler times. So, back to the story. Once you get your cats in a row and bandage all the bleeding bits of your arms, life seems pretty chill. It’s moving along; your daily rhythm is set and you can count on it! Wake-up, coffee, breakfast, keys, pants, and head to work. Pretty simple start to the day, no? Feel proud of yourself. You are a functioning adult that can breathe, live, eat, and sleep. But then it happens. Out of the blue. Your rhythm gets hijacked. Wake-up, coffee, break… Oh snap! The toaster died.

Millions of people depend on their toaster in the morning and when it dies, it’s a cold, soft bagel in New York, man. That’s not good!

Do you even know what to do? Your bagel is crying for warmth, your cheese is refusing to dip its creamy toe into the cold waters of bagel-land, and you just stare as your coffee turns cold (unless you have it in a thermal mug already and if so, look at you adulting!). What do you do? Call mom? Maybe she tells you to buy a new one and you know that you’re taking PennyFruit coaching and that extra money was NOT supposed to go to a toaster. Ask dad? Hmm…if dad is anything like Gibbs then he’ll just tell you to start a fire and toast it like a marshmallow. What to do? Well, according to FOOD52 there are three things you can do:

  1. Quick-toasting in the broiler:
    • Set your oven to broil and place your toast on a sheet pan. Once the oven is preheated, put the sheet pan on the top rack of the oven, closest to the broiler. Keep an eye on the toast, as it will brown quickly, about 2 minutes on each side. (if you burn it, you lose adulting points from the thermal mug – my words, not FOOD52)
  2. Slow-toasting in the oven:
    • Preheat the oven to 350° F. Toast your bread on the middle rack of the oven, either on a sheet pan or directly on the grates, for about 10 minutes, flipping it halfway through.
  3. In a pan on the stovetop:
    • Place a heavy-bottomed pan over medium-high heat, and drop in a pat of butter or a glug of olive oil. Cook the bread for a couple minutes on each side, or until it’s golden brown.

FOOD52 article:

And there you have it! No calling mom. No asking dad. Just increasing your adulting points, having toast, and saving money at the same time. Cheers to morning rhythms and toasted bread!

*Credit for this story goes to my mom who bought a toaster oven on TV. She loved it until it died. Thankfully she kept the old one (the one without all the fancy options) in a box in the garage. Hurray for not having to buy a new one, mom! Cheers!

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