You Need To Attack Debt Like You Attack Mosquitoes!

The best protection against mosquito bites is…ME! No joke. Just walk me alongside you and I am the sacrificial sugar stick that will keep you bite free. “Mosquito Bob” and all his fancy sprays has NOTHING on my blood. I always tell people that you will always recognize me on the beach or taking a walk in the mosquito-filled summer…I am covered head-to-toe. I even tuck long sleeve shirts inside my garden gloves because somehow those little flying nighthawks of death will find a way to get to my skin.

And when I say sacrificial, I mean it. Those bug bites leave little welts on my skin that turn into dark red bumps for days. I even had a boss be so concerned over the site of my legs when I got bit that she asked if I needed to see a doctor. Nope. It’s just me. Good ole sugar blood over here. Ugh.

So, why on earth am I telling you to attack debt like we attack mosquitoes? Because, like mosquitoes, debt has a sneaky way of getting past your safeguards and leaving its painful mark on you that can last a long time. Just looks at this comparison:

Debt is like the hidden, soggy lettuce of death in your financial salad.

Many people love to say, “Debt is good! It helps build your credit score! You should always have some debt!” But here’s the catch, it can only be beneficial (and I use that term lightly) if you are disciplined enough to control it. People who go outside during the summer season without some protection against mosquitoes = not smart. People who risk going into debt without clear rules and plans to pay it off asap = not smart!

What about a house payment or a car payment? Should you not go to school? Again, when you take on debt there should be a clear goal and plan to pay it off. Heck! Even before that, you should exhaust every avenue you can to AVOID DEBT all together.

You deserve to live bite-free!

Debt should be avoided like the mosquito plague that it is. But, if you have to face it, control and eliminate it as soon as possible. You wouldn’t catch a mosquito and have it live with you? “Come on, little buzzing buddy. Stay with me and you can have all the blood you want. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine (covered in itchy, scratchy bites).” UGH! You are smarter than that!

Keep debt at bay and your financial journey will be bite (and itch) free! You deserve to be financially free and focused! Cheers!

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